Well having spent several days reading and watching tutorials about web design I have finally achieved two websites which aren't totally horrible. Now as I try to embed the coding for the Facebook and Twitter feed buttons, the thermometer is topping 35 degrees (that's centigrade, that's hot folks) and the humidity is somewhere between clammy and wet-warm-dog-on-the-face. So it may have been understandable that I had a little fit of pique when I exited the webpage editor and found the changes on my linked pages as only an approximation of what I had labored over.
Never mind. At this stage the only one suffering is me. So I shall press on. Of course, I could be writing... As a biologist and ecologist I know that all life adapts. Without adapting to changing conditions animals and plants die. Our lives too are never the same. We all grow older, we move from place to place, we have relationships with others, we learn and we adapt to these changes. Sometimes we change so slowly we wake up one morning and we look in the mirror and think "Wow! Who's that?" and I don't mean we have a degenerative brain disease and have forgotten our own faces. What I mean is that we all have this mental image of ourselves. I haven't quite pinpointed mine down but it definitely doesn't equate to the face in the morning mirror. I know for a fact that the real me is much more vibrant and grounded than that person in the reflection. And you know, on a good day that's true.
On a good day I take up my pen, okay keyboard, and dash off a few hundred words. I'm learning to look into that mirror, smile and say "Wow, Good to see you again. Looking good." So what has this got to do with anything? Well, I have finally finished my romance manuscript and submitted it. I finally realized that the reader and writer of romance fiction was part of me. I have adapted. I have become a writer. |
writes paranormal tinted romance and science fiction. Frequently succumbs to the need to write. Rarely succumbs to the need to vacuum. CategoriesArchive
November 2020
Original Photography by Nadia Russell
Additional Material by Johannes Plenio, Alessio Fiorentino, Muhammad Haikal & Ivan Bandura, DepositPhotos
Additional Material by Johannes Plenio, Alessio Fiorentino, Muhammad Haikal & Ivan Bandura, DepositPhotos